About our choir

Lancaster, SC 29720, USA

78 Members

Our website


David Jones

Pastor of Music & Worship
David is originally from Danville, Virginia where he studied music, theatre, and religion at Averett University. He received his Master’s in Worship Leadership from Liberty University and is currently working on his Doctorate of Ministry.   2023 marks his eighteenth year in full-time ministry and almost thirty years of leading worship.   His wife, Jena serves in the choir as well and together they are the proud parents of two wonderful little girls.  

Keren Willis

Pianist & Choir Accompanist
Keren serves each week at the piano in both services and rehearsals on top of her full-time job as a teacher.   One of Keren’s greatest strengths is her ability to sight read extremely well and her love for a challenge!  The SBC choir is truly blessed to have such a solid musician in our band.

Gracie Birchfield

Music Intern
Gracie serves the music ministry in a variety of ways. She is mainly responsible for planning, rehearsing, and leading the youth worship band. They lead weekly and often serve during Wednesday night services and at our Calvary campus with the Hispanic ministry.   Gracie is one of a kind and extremely dedicated to the Lord and her calling as a worship leader. The SBC music ministry has moved forward greatly over the past six months with her assistance and support.


Christina Rusnak

Dana Fleming

Debbie Rowell

Joy Varney

Kathy Weiss

Kerri Bowser

Malissa Hess

Nicole Trull

Tori Payne

Wendy Snipes

Carolyn Petroski

Cheryl Devereaux

Emma Brooks

Kelly Hegler

Robyn Blackmon

Stacy Hydrick

Tonya Hunter

+ 10 more Sopranos


Ashton Eudy

Beth Center

Breeana Lear

Kelly Hays

Keren Willis

Mary Pope

Naomi Belk

Neely Kate Deese

Esther Jeko

Robin Parker

Sydney Claire Fleming

Teresa Catoe

+ 12 more Altos


Beth Sims

Chad Willis

Gracie Birchfield

Music & Worship Intern

Julian Saverance

Scott Blackmon

Hannah Shinn

+ 6 more Tenors


Eric Smith

Harold Ward

Larry Portrais

Shirley Russell


Steve Edwards

Dennis Nichols

Lewie Pitts

Randy Hunter

+ 3 more Basses